07 Feb How Smart Thermostats Improve your HVAC Efficiency
Kingsport, TN
The role of a thermostat is to talk to an HVAC unit to regulate the temperature in a house based on the input of the user. The temperature can be adjusted based on the time of day, but that’s about as “smart” as traditional thermostats can get. The temperature controls are not energy efficient and, consequently, often result in high energy bills.
Technology has improved exponentially, and “smart thermostats” have taken the place of traditional control units, helping to save energy and reduce power bills. The goal of a smart thermostat is to save money while keeping a home cool and comfortable.
Today our HVAC specialists in the Tri-Cities area take a closer look at a few ways smart thermostats improve the efficiency of an HVAC system:
They’re smart!
Smart thermostats communicate with a home’s HVAC system through a wireless network, using information about the HVAC system and even weather conditions to determine when to activate heating or cooling equipment. Smart thermostats usually have touch-sensitive screens and some even have voice control!
Sensor controls
Some smart thermostats include even more “brain” power, including smart occupancy detectors, motion sensors and moisture detectors. The smart thermostat uses these sensors to regulate indoor temperatures and climates based on where people are located in the house. Smart thermostats can learn the temperature preferences of each member of a household, automatically adjusting temperatures to meet everyone’s needs.
When no one is home
Smart thermostats can automatically program themselves to use less energy when no one is home, adjusting the temperature accordingly.
When everyone goes to work or school, for instance, the thermostat can automatically stop running. But it will program itself to turn back on a few hours before everyone is set to be home, dropping or raising the air temperature in the house one degree an hour for optimum efficiency. The air inside the home will be the perfect temperature by the time everyone returns home.
This means the house is at a comfortable temperature by the time occupants are home, and energy and money were saved when everyone was away.
HVAC Specialists in Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport, TN
Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, and nothing shows that better than smart devices, including thermostats. You will save energy and money while your smart thermostat works around the clock to ensure your household occupants are comfortable. Have questions about a smart thermostat? Call our HVAC specialists in the Tri-cities area at Thompson Electrical Service at (423) 343-5726, or reach out to us online today.
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