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Save Money by Installing a Furnace Humidifier

furnace humidifier

Save Money by Installing a Furnace Humidifier


A furnace humidifier could help you save money while protecting your family’s health. Most people do not think about the level of moisture in their home, and the possible effects it could have on the home’s structure, their family, and their wallet. Maintaining the right balance of humidity not only protects your home but your health and personal belongings. Your furnace repair technicians in Johnson City at Thompson Electrical Service explain on today’s blog how installing a furnace humidifier could help you save money.

Humidity Can Save You Money

When the humidity level in your home is balanced, it can help you save on energy costs. The warm summer air feels even warmer because of the moisture content referred to as humidity. Unfortunately, during the winter, the heater in your home often removes most of the moisture in the air, causing the air to become dry. By installing a furnace humidifier, you can return moisture to the air, turn the thermostat down a few degrees, still feel comfortable, and reduce your energy bill.

Save Money on Home Maintenance

If high levels of humidity are present in your home, there could be some damage that is unseen by the naked eye. For example, mold and mildew thrive in the dark, warm, moist areas in your home. They can cause damage to your home’s structure, furniture, personal belongings, and potentially cause health issues for anyone residing in the home. On the other hand, if the air in your home is too dry, wood floors and window frames could shrink and crack, resulting in costly repairs or reducing your home’s resale value.

Proper Humidity Levels Benefit Health

To keep your body healthy with a good immune system, you must remain hydrated. Unfortunately, during the winter, when there is less moisture in the air, most people are prone to illnesses because their bodies cannot defend against irritants and respiratory pollutants. Therefore, balancing the humidity level in your home could reduce the risks of respiratory illnesses during the cold and flu season because your immune system is prepared to fight.

Dry air in your home could have a dramatic effect in your daily life, such as fatigue, headaches, and general discomfort. One method to help combat dehydration is to drink more water, but that isn’t always enough, especially during the winter. A furnace humidifier replenishes moisture in the air, which will benefit your body as you breathe, as well as your skin. Maintaining your immune system in this way also helps save money because you won’t have to miss work due to illness, or pay for doctor visits.

Furnace Humidifier Installation in Kingsport, Bristol, and Johnson City

Choosing to install a furnace humidifier is an investment that protects your home, health, and wallet. When you install a furnace humidifier, it will distribute the moisture to all living areas of the home versus a portable single room unit, and it will use less energy and maintenance, making it a user-friendly option. To discuss more benefits of a professionally installed furnace humidifier in the Tri-Cities area, feel free to reach out to Thompson Electric Services at (423) 343-5726.  Our certified furnace technicians will be happy to discuss your options for installing the perfect humidifier for your home.

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