08 Aug Why is the Temperature different throughout my House?
Enjoying a perfectly comfortable temperature throughout every room in your home is the goal. However, when your complex HVAC machine begins having problems, it can cause significant differences in temperature in various areas of your home. Your leading Tri-Cities HVAC service company, Thompson Electrical Service, is exploring ways the temperature could be different throughout your house.
Wrong Size Unit
Each HVAC system is manufactured to heat and cool specific square footages of a home. Therefore, a smaller system is not able to keep up with the demand for a larger space resulting in hot and cold areas in your home. The alternative is true, where a more substantial machine could heat or cool a space too quickly, preventing the device from running a full cycle resulting in issues with increased humidity in your home. Your leading HVAC company in Kingsport, Thompson Electrical Service, can assess your unit and the square footage of your home to see if you have the correct size unit.
Clogged Air Filters
The air filters are one of the most common causes of HVAC malfunctions. Your system has to work harder for sufficient airflow when the filters are dirty and clogged. As your system strains to spread and regulate the temperature in your home, it causes undue stress on your unit resulting in more wear and tear. Therefore, your certified HVAC technicians in Johnson City recommend maintaining and servicing your unit regularly.
Thermostat Location
Since the thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system, its placement in your home is key to maintaining the proper temperature. A thermostat regularly subjected to direct heat or cold could misread the input and not work to address the conditions of the whole home. The result would give your home hot and cold spots in different rooms. To have your thermostat location checked, contact a professional HVAC technician in Bristol from Thompson Electrical Service. Depending on the results of the assessment, moving your thermostat may be the simple solution to fixing the hot and cold pockets of air in your home.
Ductwork Problems
If your ductwork is inadequately sized for your home, it could cause strain on the airflow causing difficulties in regulating the temperature. Also, if your ductwork is damaged from animals or falling apart due to age, a certified technician in Kingsport from Thompson Electrical Service can help repair and replace the ductwork that is most suitable for the size of your home.
Insulation Problems
The insulation in your home maintains comfortable temperatures inside when the environment outside is either too hot or cold. Your HVAC unit regulates the temperatures in every space of your home. When you lack insulation in your home, you are likely to experience fluctuating temperatures and high energy bills. Therefore, it is necessary to contact your leading HVAC service company in Johnson City, Thompson Electric Service, to find out if insulation is the exact cause of hot and cold pockets.
HVAC Services in Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport, TN
Having hot and cold areas in your home at the same time can be frustrating. When you experience difficulties in heating and cooling your home, contact your local certified HVAC technician in Bristol at Thompson Electrical Services. Our staff is trained to locate and repair the most mind-boggling HVAC system problems. Feel free to call our office at (423) 343-5726 or schedule a consultation online today!
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