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    Kingsport, TN 37663

4 Ways to Improve your Furnace’s Operating Efficiency

keep furnace operating efficient

4 Ways to Improve your Furnace’s Operating Efficiency


Heating your home in the chilly winter months is crucial to your well-being. However, HVAC systems that are ineffective or inefficient can make a homeowner feel like they are throwing money away. There are several reasons for decreased performance in your HVAC unit, but repair solutions should not break the bank. Our Kingsport HVAC repair experts at Thompson Electrical Service share on the blog today four ways to improve your furnace’s operating efficiency so that you can stay warm throughout the winter.

  1. Give the Furnace Space

Furnaces require ventilation to work correctly. Therefore, avoid storing belongings in the furnace room or propping items against the furnace, if possible. However, if storing items in the furnace closet is unavoidable, ensure you place items in the furthest location away from the furnace. Additionally, avoid hanging damp clothes by the furnace to dry since it prevents proper airflow. Bristol’s experienced HVAC technicians advise homeowners to be careful about items stored in the same space as their furnace because some things can corrode furnace parts and cause them to malfunction.

  1. Keep Heat Away From the Thermostat

Your home’s thermostat plays two prominent roles: it allows you to have control over your heat and air conditioning unit while also measuring your home’s indoor air temperature. However, whether hot or cold, external influences can directly affect temperature fluctuations within your home as it causes thermostat misreadings. Therefore, our Johnson City HVAC contractors advise homeowners to place the thermostat on an interior wall that does not receive direct sunlight from a window or door. Furthermore, ensure your thermostat is not near a heat source such as vents, the oven, large appliances, or the furnace.

  1. Don’t Neglect the Vents

Closing vents in unused rooms stresses the unit, potentially causing malfunctions and reducing efficiency. Zoned heating is only available with a specific zoned heating system. However, even when your home has all vents open, you may still experience improper airflow due to other obstructions. Therefore, avoid covering vents with furniture or other household items. Our HVAC experts in the Tri-Cities area explain that even when a small space is present between the object and the vent, it can still hinder airflow and make the vent less effective.

  1. Remove Unnecessary Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans are vital to reducing moist air in your home, so condensation and mold don’t form. Nevertheless, too many exhaust fans in your home could result in a backdraft that causes cold air to enter. Professional Kingsport HVAC technicians can examine your home to determine if any exhaust fan is removable without compromising your home’s humidity levels. If you remove exhaust fans, ensure a backdraft damper works to allow heated air to escape and prevent cold air from entering your home.

HVAC Service in Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport, TN

Heating your home throughout the winter does not have to cost a fortune when you properly care for your HVAC system. Through regular maintenance appointments, you reduce the risk of your unit breaking down on the coldest day of the year. However, avoiding maintenance on your HVAC system may cause more malfunctions and your utility bills to skyrocket. If your monthly utility bills increase, it’s time to contact our Tri-Cities HVAC company that repairs furnaces, Thompson Electrical Service, to find and fix the problem. Feel free to call our office at (423) 343-5726 or contact us online for a visit from a technician today!

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