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    Kingsport, TN 37663

5 Signs that your HVAC Compressor is Bad

hvac compressor is bad

5 Signs that your HVAC Compressor is Bad


Tri-Cities summers are no laughing matter when it comes to scorching heat. Air conditioning is no longer a luxury. It is essential for homes and businesses. Therefore, it’s understandable to get upset when it stops working. Our Tri-Cities HVAC experts at Thompson Electrical Service share five signs that your HVAC compressor is bad so that you know when it’s time to contact a technician for service.

  1. Your AC is Making Noises

Noises like screeching, clattering, growling, clunking, or rattling could result from an electric failure inside the compressor. An additional sign of compressor failure is the condenser unit vibrating. Our HVAC pros in Bristol recommend stopping the AC instead of allowing it to run, hoping the noise goes away. Continuing to run your system could cause significant damage and require a replacement.

  1. You Struggle with Getting Your AC to Start

Not all startup problems stem from a compressor issue. However, if your AC struggles to start, check the electrical breakers in your home to ensure one didn’t trip. Additionally, check the fuse box to ensure the fuse is intact and passes a continuity test. You may have a failing compressor if you confirm that neither the electrical breaker nor fuse is faulty.

  1. Your AC Stops Blowing Cold Air

The last thing you need on a hot summer day is for the air conditioner to stop blowing cold air. Although there are different reasons this could occur, your compressor may be responsible. First, check the air filters and condensate lines to ensure they are clean and debris-free. Next, investigate the refrigerant area for possible leaks. Lastly, if everything else checks out, it’s time to contact an experienced HVAC company in Johnson City to inspect your system and ductwork for problems.

  1. Circuit Breaker Problems

Home and business circuit breakers strip two protect your home from fire. However, when circuit breakers trip repeatedly and you notice other problems with your air conditioner, your AC unit has an obvious issue. Kingsport HVAC professionals agree that corners and business owners should pay close attention when attempting to touch the switch. It’s not normal for the switch to be hot, and you should contact us for immediate emergency services.

  1. Diminished Airflow

The earliest sign of compressor problems is diminished airflow, where the AC continues to run, yet less air exits the vents. Another common symptom is when you hear the AC unit running but cannot feel airflow from the vents when you place your hand over it. The diminished airflow requires a diagnostic test run by a qualified HVAC technician in Bristol to determine the cause. In some cases, the ductwork may have holes or become detached at crucial joints, allowing cool air to escape into the crawlspace. Fortunately, the technician can examine your ductwork to ensure everything is intact and working properly.

HVAC Service in Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport, TN

Getting stuck in the sweltering summer heat without a properly functioning air conditioner can cause multiple problems in your home or business. Well-maintained HVAC systems work efficiently when all parts function correctly, and your unit’s compressor is no exception. Therefore, our Tri-Cities HVAC contractors recommend that homeowners and business owners establish a regular maintenance schedule to catch problems early before you’re in the heat without relief. Call Thompson Electrical Service at (423) 343-5726 or contact us online to schedule your service appointment today.

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