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    Kingsport, TN 37663

7 Reasons your Furnace needs a Yearly Checkup

yearly furnace maintenance

7 Reasons your Furnace needs a Yearly Checkup


Most people don’t give much thought to the HVAC or furnace until something goes wrong. Our certified HVAC technicians in Johnson City recommend yearly checkups to ensure your unit runs efficiently and remains safe for use. But, sometimes those two reasons alone aren’t enough to convince home and business owners to shell out the money for annual maintenance checks. Today on the blog, Kingsport heating specialists want to share seven reasons you should schedule a yearly checkup for your furnace.

  1. Ensures Air Flow

Our heating professionals in Kingsport will check your furnace to ensure it is receiving proper airflow, which helps maintain temperatures throughout your home. Usually, limited airflow strains the unit, resulting in increased utility bills, wearing down the unit’s internal components, and you may be left experiencing uneven temperatures from one room to the next.

  1. Maintains Safety

Some furnaces rely on natural gas or propane to generate heat. Yearly maintenance checks are essential to make sure that the combustion process remains safe and in working order. Unfortunately, a gas leak could lead to a serious danger to you and your family because carbon monoxide is odorless and invisible. You do not want to take any chances when it comes to your family’s health and safety.

  1. Reduces Chance of Needing Repairs

Just like cars require ongoing maintenance to keep them running smoothly, your furnace is the same. Preventive maintenance can improve the longevity of your furnace and helps prevent more costly repairs that could leave you without heat for days or longer until the problem is fixed. Problems often are caught during these maintenance visits that could help save you a lot of hassle down the road.

  1. Saves Time

Getting your furnace checked is generally not a lengthy appointment. Still, it could save you time from having to sit in the cold while waiting on a technician to fix your unit when it breaks.

  1. Improves Efficiency

Furnace checkups undoubtedly improve your unit’s efficiency, saving energy and reducing your monthly heating bill. Furnaces naturally accumulate buildup and dust that can weaken its performance. Our technicians change the filters and clean out the unit to ensure it runs smoothly.

  1. Maintains Warranty Requirements

If your furnace came with a warranty that is still in effect, it would be a good idea to stick to a maintenance schedule as not to void your warranty. In some cases, furnace warranties become null and void if you do not maintain it properly, as outlined in the warranty.

  1. Wire Checks

Electrical wiring is subject to loosening and corroding unless maintained. When our Kingsport furnace techs conduct an annual inspection of your unit, they will look attentively at all of the writing to ensure it is safe.

Schedule a Furnace Checkup in Kingsport, Bristol, or Johnson City

If you want to schedule a maintenance checkup for your Kingsport home, or would like to learn more about our services, contact Thompson Electrical Services by calling (423) 343-5726 or contact us online today.

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