(423) 343-5726
    295 Eastern Star Road
    Kingsport, TN 37663

Must-Do HVAC Maintenance Tips for Fall

fall hvac tips

Must-Do HVAC Maintenance Tips for Fall


Now that sizzling summer temperatures are giving way to cooler fall weather, it’s time to think about preparing your HVAC system for the upcoming winter season. Maintaining your home’s heating and cooling system is vital to its performance and reduces the likelihood of breakdowns during the most extreme weather conditions. Not only do seasonal maintenance tasks keep your equipment running efficiently, but they can help save money on your utility bills. Therefore, our Kingsport HVAC experts at Thompson Electrical Service share must-do HVAC maintenance tips for fall so that you can keep your system running smoothly.

Air Conditioner Maintenance

Although cooler weather means you will probably run your unit less often, that doesn’t mean you should ignore it until the spring. The AC worked hard all summer to keep your home cool and now needs to prepare for winter. As a homeowner, there are some things you can do yourself to help your HVAC system make a better transition between seasons. On the other hand, some tasks require the experience and training of our Tri-Cities HVAC technicians to winterize your system. The details are below.

Do It Yourself

  • Trim branches, tall grass, or bushes within four feet of the unit.
  • Insulate exposed exterior pipes with foam pipe covers and seal them with duct tape.
  • Remove dirt and debris from the outside unit with your hands or a soft cloth. If you choose to use water, turn off the system’s power or flip the circuit breaker.
  • Cover your unit with an air conditioner-specific, plastic, tarp, or vinyl cover. Secure the cover with vinyl rope or bungee cords after our technicians provide maintenance service.

Our Technicians

  • Remove dust, dirt, and debris from the coil.
  • Examine the belts, pulleys, refrigerant charge, and ducts.
  • Clear pipes and drain lines to remove water that could freeze and cause damage.
  • Check overall system function, especially if it’s the first maintenance check of the year.

Heating System Maintenance

Our Johnson City HVAC pros advise homeowners to schedule an annual maintenance appointment before turning on their heat for the first time, regardless if they have a boiler, heat pump, or furnace. Keeping your appointment is vital to your HVAC system performance through the fall and winter months. However, there are some heating system maintenance tasks that you can do for yourself before your appointment, and they are outlined below.

Do It Yourself

  • Purchase air filters in bulk and change them every three months. Households with allergy issues should change the filter once a month.
  • Vacuum air vents and returns to remove dust. You can decrease filter buildup and improve your indoor air quality.

Our Technicians

  • Inspect smoke and/or carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Calibrate the thermostat to ensure proper readings and heating.
  • Check and clean the HVAC system, including the igniter, pipes, valves, connections, sensors, controls, drains, ducts, burners, thermostats, and motors.
  • Provide additional instructions for maintenance activities between service visits.

HVAC Service in Bristol, Johnson City, and Kingsport, TN

Your home’s HVAC system works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to keep you comfortable no matter the outside weather. With continuous use, elements may begin to experience wear and tear, eventually causing a system breakdown. Therefore, to keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently, it’s important to schedule a fall maintenance appointment with our Bristol HVAC service company, Thompson Electrical Service. Please call us at (423) 343-5726 or contact us online to schedule an appointment today.

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